I’m Goin’! Who’s Coming With Me?


S (Scripture): Acts 25:8 Paul said in his defense, “I have committed no offense against the Jewish law or against the temple or against Caesar.”

O (Observation): To be convicted of a crime in the days of Paul, one had to commit an offense against Jewish law, agains the temple, or against Caesar. Paul claims to be innocent of all of these charges.

Most interesting to me is that Paul has done no wrong according to the Law of Moses. This means that Paul sees the Law of Moses as a predecessor to the person of Jesus Christ. Perhaps Paul sees Jesus as the fullness of The Law – that which guides relationships between God and humanity, and between people.

This connection of the Law to Christ spells trouble for the established Jewish religion. If what Paul says is true, then any one who believes has direct access to God, and the human-made laws that support the Pharisee’s understandings are in jeopardy.

What’s at stake? Not salvation, but Tradition!

A (Application): I’m an Apostle, in the sense that I feel called to lead folks into uncharted territories. Or at least to head there on my own.

I wonder what good it does me to go it alone? Who should I bring with me? Do I need to bring people with me?

I think that’s my struggle. I think about going to new places (spiritually, in leadership, in study), but how often do I think about who’s coming with me?

As Paul leads, he does so from a sense of peace with the Lord. He senses a calling.

I pray the the Lord helps give to me a clearer sense of calling, and perhaps others to aid me in this process.

P (Prayer): Lord, lead me. Guide me. For your name’s sake. Amen.

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